Seamless IoT Connectivity for Transport and Logistics

From vehicle tracking and fleet management to aircraft monitoring, EV charging, and vehicle telematics, our solutions impact transport and logistics operations worldwide. Our focus is on addressing challenges like multi-territory complexities, battery performance issues, trackability, and cost management.

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You Move the World, We Empower You

Integrate our world-class connectivity solutions to futureproof your solutions and operations. We offer services that include global IoT network access, a Connectivity Management Platform (CMP) named Nomad for managing over 30 million endpoints, and cutting-edge technologies like 4G, 5G, LPWAN, and eSIM. Our eSIM solution provides flexibility with over-the-air profile switching and multi-carrier functionalities.


Plug into one of the best global IoT networks with industry-leading coverage via SIM or eSIM.


Gain control of all aspects of deployment – from provisioning and monitoring to billing.


Easily visualize and monitor all your endpoints in one place in real time.


Single provider for worldwide connectivity that ensures your solutions are scalable.

Addressing Connectivity Challenges in Transport & Logistics

Address connectivity hurdles in Transport & Logistics with Velos IoT. As a leading global IoT provider, we provide IoT connectivity for transport and logistics applications with a robust global presence, offering broad network coverage and scalability.

Our tailored cellular and eSIM technologies cater to your specific needs, supported by our team of industry experts who craft personalized solutions. Utilize our solution to deploy and monitor your IoT devices, enhancing operational efficiency, cost management, and overall optimization with our dedicated support.

For multi-territory complexities

Tap into our industry-leading global coverage made available through multiple form factors of SIMs and eSIMs. Our eSIM solutions give you the flexibility of over-the-air profile switching and multi-carrier functionalities to ensure your asset never goes out of range on the move.

For battery performance issues

Nomad, our intuitive IoT Connectivity Management Platform (CMP), is rich in features that allow you to control data usage and optimize performance. Moreover, LPWAN solutions like LTE-M can ensure great low-power connectivity for your transport and logistics applications.

For trackability and insights

Nomad CMP will be your single source of insight and visibility for all your SIMs, eSIMs, and endpoints.

For cost management issues

Leverage cutting-edge eSIM technologies, including over-the-air operator profile switching and multi-carrier features for optimum connectivity.

A Comprehensive Guide to IoT in Transportation and Logistics

The adoption of IoT (Internet of Things) advancements within transportation and logistics heralds a new era of unparalleled service excellence and operational agility.

This guide explores IoT’s transformative impact on transportation and logistics, from enhancing transportation methods and inventory management to streamlining operations for better efficiency and reduced environmental impact.

It also examines cutting-edge trends such as autonomous vehicles and AI logistics, addressing vital challenges like data privacy and scalability. Additionally, it outlines practical IoT applications for fleet and cargo management and offers advice on selecting the right technological networks and components.

Some core topics will be covered as below:

• Emerging IoT trends in transportation and logistics
• IoT use cases in logistics and transportation
• Choosing the right IoT connectivity for transport and logistics
• IoT Solution components
• Navigating the choice of an IoT connectivity partner

Read the Guide

“Velos IoT has become an essential partner in our business. We are confident that our M2M communications are in safe hands, allowing us to concentrate on growing the business with the knowledge that we can remain competitive in all potential markets for all of our communications requirements.”

Christian Litherland

Managing Director at Compass Asset Protection

Case Study: Managing Vehicle Tracking with a Single Solution at Compass Asset Protection

Compass Asset Protection has over 20 years of experience in the asset-tracking business. But, until recently, Compass was forced to juggle multiple plans and networks to provide IoT-enabled vehicle tracking. Partnering with Velos IoT empowered Compass Asset Protection Ltd to consolidate its connectivity & management for smoother operations and better performance with:

• A single point of contact versus dealing with multiple carriers
• Automatic non-steered network switching among 600+ global networks
• A single platform to manage devices, review analytics, and receive insights

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Vehicle Tracking Case Study Cover

Want to know more? Get in touch

Whether it is a global IoT deployment or a local project, our connectivity solutions are designed to give you the flexibility to scale your business. Contact us to find out how our experts can help.