Guide to IoT Connectivity Management Platform

Velos IoT is a true partner delivering the best-in-class IoT connectivity management platform, whether you are a startup or an established service provider. We invest in your success, delivering business growth, cost efficiency and enhanced customer end-user experience.

Organisations are increasingly integrating Internet of Things (IoT) devices to help achieve their top business objectives and stay agile when responding to technological advances. In 2019, an estimated 93 percent of enterprises had adopted IoT technology, and 54 percent of enterprises indicated that they began IoT projects to drive cost savings.

The IoT device creation and adoption trend will grow steadily in the coming years. Gartner estimates there will be 25 billion IoT devices by 2021, which is expected to increase to 64 billion by 2025. The implementation and operation of an IoT network bring several business challenges, many of which can be solved through an effective IoT connectivity management platform.

Business IoT Challenges

Security concerns are often at the forefront of connecting several devices. The volume of linked devices provides hackers with a large area for malicious attacks. The number of interlinked devices can act as a barrier for businesses looking to reap the full benefits of IoT if they cannot standardize guidelines for its use. IoT volume also can cause connectivity bottlenecks, which puts a strain on network bandwidth.

Other roadblocks include:

  • Uncertainty about government compliance requirements for IoT devices
  • Consumer doubt surrounding device security
  • Multiple technologies are competing to become the industry standard

What is an IoT Connectivity Management Platform?

An IoT connectivity management platform connects and streamlines the management of IoT devices, such as M2M (machine-to-machine) SIM cards. Sometimes referred to as a “connected devices platform,” the software promotes the scalability of IoT device controls and reduces time-consuming onboarding processes.

The software allows businesses to reduce downtime from device repairs by proactively checking for errors and predicting failures before they happen. It also streamlines connectivity management activities, bolstering productivity and reducing monitoring time.

To stay competitive with the growing device ecosystem and its capabilities, companies require a comprehensive connectivity management platform to effectively organise and monitor device performance and security.

An effective IoT connectivity management platform provides companies with the following:

  • Reduced operational costs and maintenance
  • Actionable insights from collected data
  • Fast and secure batch activations
  • Real-time problem detection
  • Enhanced connectivity, convenience, and functionality
  • Connectivity Management Platform Features

Attributes of a Successful IoT Connectivity Management Platform

Effective management software is essential for promoting the success of your IoT deployments and your device ecosystem, including all the moving parts connected to IoT devices owned by consumers, businesses, and governments.

The four essential parts of any successful management platform include:


Since IoT connects potentially thousands of devices together, businesses should make sure their management software only permits authorized and secure devices to join its ecosystem. Look for a platform that allows for specified device enrollment requirements and requires credentials for authorization.


An optimal management platform should provide companies with flexible device configurations and post-deployment controls to promote performance. It’s also essential to ensure all devices have remote reset options when removing them from the IoT ecosystem.

Rich Data and Statistics

An effective IoT connectivity management platform will provide businesses with real-time tracking and visual representations of data. This provides transparency into whether key performance indicators (KPIs) are being met and if any errors arise, allowing for fast diagnosis and correction.

Remote Software Maintenance

As the IoT pool increases, it’s crucial to have the ability to update and make changes to devices wherever they are located. This is essential for quick patching when a security threat or vulnerability arises.

Manage your IoT Devices’ connectivity Through Velos IoT

Are you looking for a connectivity management platform to address your company’s IoT needs? Velos IoT’s Nomad connectivity management platform is a single consolidated connectivity management platform designed to promote IoT security, increase data value, and decrease operational costs.

Nomad CMP’s top features include:

  • Total IoT connectivity management and control
  • Streamlined troubleshooting
  • In-depth KPI analytics
  • Increased device security and authentication

Contact one of Velos IoT’s experts today to learn how your business can leverage an automated IoT platform to promote competitiveness and maximise the ROI of your IoT developments.


Want to know more? Get in touch.

Whether it is a global IoT deployment or a local project, our connectivity solutions are designed to give you the flexibility to scale your business. Contact us to find out how our experts can help